7 Careers for a Better Work-Life Balance

#1. Medical Assistant:

These professionals basically perform clinical and administrative tasks in the workplace of a medical practitioner such as a physician. Medical assistants might be in charge for either administrative or clinical tasks and in some cases a combination of the two. Their tasks often depend upon the size of the organization in which they are employed. Medical assistants in larger organizations tend to specialize, while those in smaller ones are involved in everything.

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If you are looking for a career that offers predictable schedule, then a career as a medical assistant may be a right option for you. These professionals enjoy pre-fixed working hours and often work in weekends, evenings or even part-time.

The educational requirement for this profession is an Associate’s degree in a related field.

The median salary for a medical assistant in India is approximately 2.71 lakhs per annum, as reported on the PayScale website.