7 Awesome Jobs You Never Knew Existed
Ice Cream Tester: Few careers in the entire world sound as far-fetched and ice cream tester is one of them that can mention. The ice cream taster is expected to perform other duties such as evaluating ice cream, not just for taste but also for texture, smell, consistency and a wide range of other elements. Most likely ice cream testers are expected to do work for large corporations. Like most food scientists, the ice cream taster will work in a safe and clean environment where they will spend their days devising new chemical concentrations and flavor concepts for the consuming public.
Cat Cafe Owner: A cat cafe is just like a regular cafe, except a fact that it is full of cats! These cats are free to roam in an interaction space where they eat, sleep and play. Customers who come by this cafe pay a cover fee, generally hourly and play and groom the cats, or just enjoy the environment.
The cat café owner’s work is to make sure that everyone who works at the cat cafe is expected to do their duty within the café and ensure that all staff are charged with the same goal— to care about and constantly attempt to keep customers, cats and the environment happy.
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