7 Things You Must do After a Bad Job Interview

Bangalore: It is not always possible to have a great job interview, many times it is seen that candidates really experience a bad job interview, declining to give most of the answers asked by the interviewer. In such a case you must have abandoned that opportunity thinking that you lost the chance to bag a great offer. But, according to “Forbes” you must keep in mind that such a pessimistic attitude won’t prove to be beneficial for you ever. So, check out the listed below seven things, you must do after a really bad job interview as suggested on Forbes by experts.

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1. Think about the experience: After a really bad job interview, it is always advisable for you to think and discover what went well during the course of the interview so that you can exactly rediscover the negative aspects with a less defeated feeling, suggests Dr. Katharine Brooks, director of Liberal Arts Career Services at the University of Texas at Austin and author of You Majored in What? Mapping Your Path from Chaos to Career. According to her, interviewees should exactly identify what went wrong in the interview and likewise think what they can do to change that next time.

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