7 Core Skills for a Tech Career

Bangalore: There was once a time when basic computer skills such as sending and receiving mails, experience of working with excel, typing, etc. on an individual’s resume got some attention and helped in landing a job.

But these skills are now obsolete and render no weight on your resume. In this modern world, the use of computer has become omnipresent, and many traditional tech skills are on the way out.

Fortunately, in this changing tech environment the demand for certain emerging tech skills are exploding. Are you an individual looking to switch jobs or land a career in technology? Here is list of emerging tech skills that will make you stand out and help land a career in technology, as reported by Liz King on Brazen Life website.

1. Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing is one of the fastest-growing tech skill in the modern era. It is defined as the distribution of computing resources that are delivered as services over the network. The increased use of mobile devices and laptops, need for syncing data across multiple devices and demise of platform – specific software have been a blessing in disguise for the emergence of the technology.

Companies are on a look out for proficient cloud developers, integration specialist and administrators who can bring their office environment into the new century.