6 Ways to Overcome Rejection during Job Hunt

4. Regain Perspective:

If you are constantly being rejected, it could be beneficial to take some time off and get a bit of perspective. Heading to great outdoors that are larger than life such as mountains, oceans or deserts is bound to improve your perspective. With new found ideas and motivation, you can hit the job search again.

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5. Consult an Expert:

Being proactive and discovering the factors that are keeping you in the rejection pile can boost the chances of landing a job by many folds. You can contact a trusted advisor, career coach or colleagues, and obtain an honest and unambiguous evaluation of your presence and presentation. Evaluation of the job search strategy and your skill set can also be beneficial in landing a job.

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6. Regular Exercise:

Last but not the least; exercise a great way to put up with stress, especially after receiving a rejection call or mail. Hitting gym or getting outside can re-energize your senses and help you feel better. A mere 20 minutes of exercise releases endorphins, which is a natural stress and pain reliever produced in our body. This activity also clears your thoughts, expend some energy, recharge and prepare you for the next round.