6 Questions to Ask Yourself before a Career Change

Bangalore: Yes you can toss a coin, you can count the petals of a flower, you can ask someone to choose a finger, but all this may or may not bring you to the right conclusion. Do it the right way. Do not jump to a new job before you get all your facts considered. The following are the six points put forward by Paul McDonald in the brazencareerist.com.

This is not your ticket to escape: At times you may just badly want a change and this is the reason why you jump at anything that comes your way. But this may not be the right move. You may just be moving from one job you hate to another job that you hate, but to a lesser extent. Would’nt it be nicer to land in a job that you truly want to be into?

You may get carried away: It may also be true that the employer on the other end wants a good employee and is hence trying his best to convince you. Do not get carried away by all the benefits that are being presented in front of your eye. You need to have opinions of your own, and need to do your own homework before you reach your own conclusion. Research, find out, analyse, do all that you can before you make up your mind as to whether you want to accept the offer or not.