6 Lessons from Mahabharata for Workplace Success

6. Jealousy and the Issue of Power:

When Pandu came to know that his blind brother’s wife, Gandhari, was expecting a baby, he was deeply saddened and wept as he was unable to make his own two wives pregnant. After learning that his first wife Kunti could bear children by calling upon the gods, he insisted her to use the power. She called three gods and had three sons by them.

Later Pandu requested her to share the power with Madri, his second wife, so that even she could have children. After sharing the power, Madri called upon the twin gods and had two sons in a single go. Pandu again asked Kunti to share the power with Madri, but she refused. She was concerned that if Madri cleverly used the power to call upon another set of twin gods and ended up having more sons, she would become the more favored wife.

When this news spread and reached Gandhari’s ears while she was pregnant, she was utterly disappointed and started beating her belly with an iron bar to force out the child.

This is what hatred, jealousy and issue of power do to people, though they all pretend to be noble and dignified.

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