6 Degrees That Can Sentence You for a Term in Library

#5. Social/Behavioral Sciences

Average Hours Full-Time Students Spent Preparing For Class Per Week: 14 hours

Average Hours Faculty Expected Students To Study Per Week: 16 hours

College Majors: Communications, Public Relations, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology and Political Science

This area of study seems to be a trendy option for students seeking an easy A, but the fact is that, they could do so more easily by picking something else. Study of human thoughts and behavior is very complex and might take a lot of time and experience to master, and this is why the social/behavioral sciences are such a pain-staking area of study with respect to time.

As per Rambo, though this area of study is not as rigorous as engineering or physical sciences, the potential difficulty of high-level coursework, coupled with the lab work required that could take up a major chunk of the student’s time, makes it an atrociously tiresome area of study.

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