6 Vital Career Skills Women Techies Should Nurture


It is a popular myth that women are better in multitasking over men. But that holds absolutely untrue for the tech industry. Irrespective of gender, one needs to execute more than one task at the same time in this computer generated world. Multi tasking is like the mechanism of CPU. CPU functions different processes at the same time as per user programs. Similarly, in the IT industry one needs to perform different assignments at the same time as per his or her authorities.

Patience And Listening Ability

Due to severe work pressure, it often turns out that human beings loss the professional and personal equilibrium. Women can definitely avoid this by improving their patience and listening ability. While her calm nature will impress her boss at the beginning of the day, it will continue to keep her parents happy at home. Self control and calmness leads to better performance at any given circumstance.

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