6 Mistakes That Ruin Your Career Prospects
Avoiding Eye Contact
When you don't look someone in the eyes, it can signal deception or a lack of respect. In fact in general opinion, most individuals including the experts feels that avoiding eye contact while talking to someone can make you seem like you are hiding something or lying. So if you want to avoid ruining your career, you need to look at a person in the eye and talk to them, it makes them feel as if you are listening to them. The stronger the eye contact, the more interest it demonstrates.
Everyone had or will have one of those days when everything seems to go wrong, but that doesn’t mean that you have to give a chance to judge for crying in front of your seniors or office colleagues. Moreover, workplace tears can certainly harm your chances of climbing the professional ladder as it portrays a weak image and harms your career prospects as a potential leader. So in order to be efficient and to be taken seriously at work, you need to be in control of your emotions all the time.
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