5 Workplace Behaviors That Can Make You Look Amateur

2. Lack of Good Manners:

Opting for hugs over handshakes, using mobile phones during meetings, and taking a joke too far, are some of the behavior that shows the lack of etiquettes. These kinds of behaviors can make you look awkward, shabby and in some cases might look rude. Even worse, poor manners can make people around you feel uncomfortable and can be offended, which can lead to serious problems at workplace.

On the other hand, good etiquette shows respect and puts those around you at ease, which is the foundation for building strong professional relationships.

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3. Lack of Perspective:

It is a fact that people who appear unaware of the things going on outside their personal space are not taken seriously in most cases. Clear, up-to-date information about the things or events going on outside shows an individual’s broad understanding of the environment in which he / she operates. On the other hand, amateurs are exclusively focused on their own sphere of influence, which might make them feel powerful, but end up being viewed as a narrow-minded and ignorant individual to everyone else.

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