5 Ways to Avoid Getting Conned

2. If It’s Too Good To Be True:

Be thoroughly watchful of the exaggerated image that the scam-artist puts on views in front of your eyes. If they are trying to trade something, they may tend to over-sell the product and add certain cunning points just to make their claim sound more compelling. Having a comprehensive understanding of the field will help you to differentiate the good from the bad and take the right decision.

3. If It’s For Free:

Stay vigilant about anything that is deemed to be free. Do bear in mind that nothing is for free in this modern world, and if it is, there would be some murky inherent constraints. It is bound to have some packages, schemes or a programme associated with it and they might ask you to sign up to avail the free offer. Be extremely cautious before going ahead with such foggy deals. Staying away from such murky ventures would be beneficial.

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