5 Things That Can Spoil Your Career

Bangalore: In today’s competitive job market, it is very difficult to keep your job intact. So, you should be very careful in whatever you say or do as little mistake in any step you take, can cost you your job. Moreover, you should be very cautious while writing anything on Social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook as any wrong thing you write in it can ruin your career forever. According to “The Times of India”, listed below are the 5 things that can ruin your career.

1.Never make any written statements; you would like to keep secret: It would be your stupidity if you write down certain things that you shouldn’t write. Keep in mind that anything that passes through a company server like email, texts or IMs can be made public. And yes, deleting such messages or statements is also not a solution to this, as there is always a backup copy for these things somewhere.

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