5 Steps to Become Everyone's Favorite Co-Worker

2. Be Nice All the Time:

Everyone is bound to get angry at work. But remember you aren’t necessarily paid to ride on your emotions; rather you are paid to be a consistent, reliable and friendly expert in a chosen field.

Strive to present a positive front at all times to ensure that you are building a constructive and professional reputation, as coworkers need to know what they can expect from you to build positive relationships.

3. Actually Co-work:

If you are placed at a co-working space and treat it like your own personal office, you are bound to create a negative image. Co-working offices are built for interaction, so bear in mind that you are very much encouraged to interact with individuals around you. It can also be beneficial for you to bounce ideas of other coworkers, give expert advice if necessary and encourage others around you to work hard.

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