5 Phone Interview Tips That Can Fetch You a Job

4. Avoid speaking in a low voice:

If you speak in a very low voice, then for sure your recruiters will be not able to hear your voice properly and clearly. It can be in both a face to face interview or in a telephonic interview. In a face to face interview, the recruiters can at least make out what you are talking to them by observing your lip movement, but the case is entirely different if you talk in a very low voice during a telephonic interview.

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So, it is better to speak slowly [that doesn’t mean in a low voice] and clearly to make the person in front of you or your recruiter understand what you are talking about. If you think you are not able to listen what your recruiter is talking to you, it is good to leave some hints like asking him or her to repeat it again or asking pardon for one more time.

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