5 Overlooked E-mail Etiquettes

2. The e- mail should be short and sweet: In order to avoid confusions keep your e- mail brief and up to the point as nobody has time in the organization to read a long e-mail where the actual purpose or answer is lost. Avoid such complications where the reader needs to search the actual point.  Be up to the point in your mail, simultaneously sounding sweet.

3. Revise thoroughly before sending: Even if you are quite a busy person, who has to handle several other works in a day, it is always advisable for you to give at least two minutes extra in order to go through your mail thoroughly before sending it, as you are most likely to make mistakes while writing mails. With the usage of spell check and other tools you can easily rectify your mistakes. Likewise, you can also ask your co – worker, if he/she has time to read it once before sending it.