5 Most Famous Part-Time Jobs for Women in India

Bangalore: Most of the wealthiest European countries have a great number of part-time women employees considering any other nations. In today’s family, women’s income is a key contribution to the family’s wealth. Though, women found their great foots in workplace, still they are struggling to compete with men in terms of an equal pay. While the family life is strongly depending on women’s care on elderly parents, grandparents, children, and husband along with the entire household works. Apart from these great jobs they do, women are determined to go for jobs outside of their family screens.

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For a wealthiest family and a wealthiest nation, women’s income has a significant role. India today, has a transitional phase where women are likely to go for jobs together with taking care of family. To build a great work-life balance, many of the women choose for a part-time job, especially after sending their kids to school.

Here are the best part-time jobs for women in India that was listed by Sumitra Nair of iDiva.com.

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