5 Major Mistakes of Career Changers

Bangalore: If you want to change your career, what are the most essential aspects that you are going to take care? Well according to Kathy Caprino, the Contributer to the Forbes Website who herself is a career coach, says that one must select an appropriate career which suits with their values, skills and interests even in this economic competitiveness. And she also suggests you to take care of a new set of essential aspects like clarity, courage, confidence and competence which can help you to ensure that you are emotionally, financially and professionally fit for a next step in your career path.

So here is the list of the biggest mistakes that the career changers often tend to do according to Kathy Caprino:

1. Changing your career just because you have broken down in your current job:

What can be the main reason behind quitting your present job? It can be either you have started hating your job which is quite monotonous or you may have failed in adjusting with some of your colleagues. It can also be because you need to run off from the work and the skills you use at your workplace as they are troubling you. But do you think running away from something is the best solution you can take while changing the job? Well, according to some career experts it’s better to stay in the job regardless of any situations, but if at all you have made up your mind to change your profession, then it all depends on how well you can make a great career change in your professional life. Even if you change it at anytime be sure of changing it in a smart way.