5 Jobs with Highest Annual Wage Growth

4. Marketing and Advertising:

Marketing and advertising is fourth on the list with a wage growth of about 4.2 percent in the year 2012.

It is a fact that, there has been a constantly increasing craving for a superior lifestyle among the people in the country. This thirst has been catalyzing consumerist desires. Advertising industry has been both a beneficiary and catalyst of these desires, as the industry has been on a continuous growth trajectory with only momentary slowdowns at times.

With the Indian economy on a continuous growth path, prospects of the advertising industry are very bright, and the industry is expected to maintain its current growth momentum in the years to come. Also with the advent of newer segments such as mobile or internet advertising, this sector is bound to be one of the leading lights of economic growth in the coming years.

As per the Payscale website, the average annual income in this sector is in-between 2.76 – 9.25 lakhs per annum.