5 Hottest College Degrees Indian Employers Look For

5. Degree in Communications:

Communication is one among the exciting new areas around a variety of disciplines. If you are registered in this college degree you can be trained about how communication manipulates the human life.  Communication doesn’t mean only verbal communication as it could be even in both the forms of non-verbal as well as written aspect. The basic reason why the course Bachelor’s of communication is started is because to prepare the students to enter in the field of journalism and other related fields. Even the companies are in need of hiring more and more communication graduates because to handle their relationship with their clients and common public. Most of the companies are in immense need of Public Relation professionals who can be a source of connection between the company and the clients and the common public. Apart from that, you can also get into the professions such as print and electronic Medias that include newspapers, magazines, television, radio etc.

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The last degree, is been suggested by Terence Loose by taking the opinion by famous HR experts Vicki Lynn, Senior Vice-President of Universum and Susan Heathfield , Management Consultant and About.com’s Guide to HR, as reported on Yahoo education website.

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