5 Horrible Mistakes Indians Do At Workplace

2. Not being in contact:

Being silent is good only in few situations. But the silence is not at all good when it comes to your workplace and your professional work. Many professionals make the mistake of not informing the HR department when they take leave or come a bit late. This habit of the employees makes the employers feel that you are careless and ignorant. Apart from that, it is your duty to inform the concerned person whenever you are going out for any of your official work or any of your personal issues in-between the working hours.

If you are least bothered about informing the concerned person, you might be warned for two to three times but at the fourth time you might be asked to quit the job. So, try not to create any such circumstances in your professional life. Inform your team lead or the HR department of the company that you will be not coming to office or you will be a bit late to reach. If you receive any calls from the company’s side related to work, make sure you answer the call whatever the circumstance is, or else you might be in trouble the next day when you report to work.