5 Ways to Manage Stress at Work

Bangalore: Our daily work life is hectic, moreover it tends to make us feel stressed and as a result we sometimes become irrational due to the excessive stress that we face each day at work. However it is believed by experts that a limited amount of stress is good as it motivates us at work and makes us stronger, but too much of it is bad as it can ruin our health as well as our career. If you are also the one who is quite stressed with his/her work, then you can easily manage it by following the listed below ways suggested by F. John Reh on About.com.

1. Try to improve your time management and organization skills: It is always advisable for you to work according to the strategies that work. Likewise you should learn to say “no” when you are imposed with excessive amount of work. Moreover you should not hesitate to ask for help whenever you need it from your co- workers or your superiors. And of course do not set unrealistic goals for yourself.