5 Ways to Accept Criticism with Grace and Appreciation

Bangalore: Most people take criticism as a disheartening or demoralizing comment. They tend to react to it either by being defensive or lashing back. But there are positive ways of dealing with criticism which can work wonders for your career and help you lead a stress free life.

Here is a list of constructive ways for dealing with criticism in your respective life, as reported on MENSXP. 

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1. Hold Your Reactions and Control Your Anger:

Usually the first reaction of humans in response to criticism is anger or rage. It is advisable to hold your reaction and give it some time before riding the emotional way. Allow the sense of logic to sink in and guide you past the anger. By doing so, you would understand the true meaning and intention behind the criticism, and this will in turn help you to reach greater heights in personal and professional life.    

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