5 Strategies for Recent Grads to Cure Their Unemployment

Bangalore: Unemployment is a widespread phenomenon, especially among recent grads. Presently, an alarmingly high percentage of recent grads are stuck within the grasp of this evil. What’s more alarming is that, the number doesn’t seem to deteriorate in the near future.

The recent economic condition is definitely a culprit that is responsible for this high rate of unemployment. But profitable employment can still be obtained irrespective of the economic conditions. However, beating the odds requires a lot of effort, belief, self-confidence, discipline and most of all, change in one’s thought process and behavior.

Here is a list of suggestions that can be a cure to unemployment for recent grads, as reported by Ken Sundheim on Come Recommended website.

1. Stop Being Intimidated by Unknown Competition:

Most of the recent grads waste their precious time and energy worrying about the competencies and talents of the other job applicants applying for the same job, which is wrong. Also, some recent grads falsely overestimate the abilities of the interviewing competition, which leads to their downfall. Instead, all your time and energy must be invested in improving and highlighting your inherent strengths.