5 Music Professions For Every College Graduate

Music Therapist



A music therapist utilizes the power of music as a healing remedy to connect with the needs of individuals.  After reaching out to the individual and establishing the crisis, a treatment is panned out to assist the patient in letting go and move forward. This healing process includes composing, singing and listening to music.




Musicologist study the overall aspect of music which involves the historical part as well as applied science. Those who are extensively passionate about art are often the ones to thrive in this field. They largely work in colleges, libraries and universities.

Furthermore, the opportunities in music are endless, one can even consider taking up a career as an educator in music or even as a music business lawyer. Nonetheless, those who are looking into pursing a music career should consider taking up an online master’s of music education.

If you truly are passionate in music, the path of career in this field is limitless... You will not be left disappointed. 

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