5 Most Hated Behaviors of Employers by Job Seekers

Bangalore: It is a fact that presently, aspiring job seekers are getting increasingly frustrated with the bad treatment from employers towards the applicants. To make matters worse, in the current flooded job market it has become all too easy for employers to feel like gods and least bothered about treating employees well. They fail to realize that such behavior is bound to costs them dearly, as potential skilled individuals would be offended and may choose to walk away.

Here’s a breakdown of top five employer behaviors that candidates hate, as reported by Peter Harris of Workopolis.

1. Poorly Presented Job Description:

Well presented job description plays an important role in luring skilled employees. A poorly written job description with a list of demands, but no benefits is bound to keep away highly skilled employees from taking up the job. It has become very essential for candidates to know what is required for the job and also what’s in it for them. Describing about the great working condition and culture, could be added bonus. It the current job market it has become vital for employers to give aspirants a valid reason to apply to an open opportunity.

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