5 Major Skills New IT Grads Lack

Bangalore: The ultra competitive job market as in today, demands professionals with immense skills and knowledge. Especially if you are a new IT graduate, keep in mind that you should definitely posses certain skills, which is the demand of most employers, moreover if you lack knowledge in those skills you will not find it easy to be successful in your career. Based on the employers opinion, Mary K. Pratt of the computer world website list down the five major skills new IT graduates are lacking. Here is the list below.

1. Knowledge of Business fundamentals: Most IT grads today are only familiar with their course syllabus, within that field. They are quite confident in programming and things related to that, however, according to Todd Thibodeaux, president and CEO of Computing Technology Association, they lack knowledge in business associated stuffs like accounts receivables, logistics and operations, or marketing plans, which are also quite a necessary thing for them to learn while at college. They may face additional problems particularly if they land up in corporate IT position, where they are required to build up applications to facilitate the work done by other departments.