5 In-Demand Skills In IT Sector

BENGALURU: In 2014, IT sector produced highest number of jobs, with 1.5 million engineering students passing out every year. The same continues in 2015 too, according to RecruterX and TimesJobs.com recruitment index. IT jobs hiring from January to April has seen a decent increase compared to October to December hiring, reports The Economic Times

So let’s take a look at what experts say about the key skills needed to be picked up the IT companies.

Program coding: Java, C, C++, SQL and Ruby are most used languages today in IT world. Java is the most used language in IT sectors of India, which is mostly used for Internet of Things (IoT), enterprise architecture and cloud computing. Now, learning Java has become mandatory for core IT jobs.

Big data: IoT based Companies are hiring candidates with knowledge of big data and AI based systems. Apache Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, Machine learning, Data mining and ‘Statistical and quantitative’ analysis are the trending skills in Big data.

App developer: Increasing number of smartphone users in-turn increased the number of jobs in IT sector. With smarter apps hitting application market everyday and increase in number of app users for communications and e-Commerce purposes, there is a growing demand for app developers.            

E-commerce manager: With growing number of startups in India, E-commerce is in need of Logistic, Web store and Online marketplace managers. Experienced candidates in drafting, evaluating, merchandise, and delivering, can be pitched in as managers.

Colour and Trend experts: Creative head with deep researching ability and innovative ideas are the basic skills required for this profession. This profession has two divisions, the first being Brand and Design Manager and second being, Product Service Designer.

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