4 Indian Universities Among the World's Best

Bangalore: The effect of positive educational reforms in the country has finally been rewarded, as four Indian universities have made it to the prestigious list of YouthInc Global Business School Rankings 2013.

The survey was a joint venture of Youth Incorporated and Rediff.com, and this report also inculcates inputs from the members of all the prestigious institutions, as well as students to comply the data.  

The survey indicates that, while there has been a major shift in the list, top universities such as Harvard and Stanford managed to stay afloat and retained their top slots.

Nine of the top ten slots in the list are occupied by the U.S. universities, which reflect their domination in education over the rest. The survey also indicated that the educational standard in the Asian continent is getting bigger and a total of 17 Asian Institutes were slotted within the top 100.  And China has the most representations among the Asian countries with 5 institutes slotted in the rankings.

 Here is an overview of the top Indian Universities in the list, as reported by Rediff.

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