3 Must-Ask Questions Before Accepting the Job Offer

2. How long should I serve in the organization before being eligible for a promotion?

Different organizations would have incorporated different structures with regards to the promotion of its employees. While some follow performance based promotions, others have incorporated rigid hierarchies with set schedules for performance reviews, which dictate the promotion of an individual. Thoroughly access all the protocols and the growth opportunities at your prospected workplace and accept the job offer if it is in alignment with your personal objectives.    

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3. Why did the last employee in this role leave the job?

This question helps you to unearth any unseen quirk regarding the offered position that probably drove the last employee away from the job. Thoroughly examine all the shortcomings of the open position and accept the offer if you can leave with those issues.

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It is advisable to carry out some research about your projected employer before attending the interview and clear all your doubts regarding the prospected job with the recruiter, before accepting the job offer.