3 Interview Questions That Matters The Most

2.  How did you get to know about the job opening?
Though this question might seem like a simple question for the candidates, it is a very tough one to answer them. You might think why is it, right? Yes, this is because from this question, the interviewer will get to know about your networking skills, as without any networking you wouldn’t have got to know about the job opening. You would have got to know about the opening only by personal networking or by social networking sites. 

3.  Why did you leave the previous company?
This is another must ask question wherever you go for an interview, especially if they get to know that you are not a fresher for the professional life through your resume. This question will be raised by the interviewer because, the candidate would have left the previous job with some vital reason, it might be because of the long service in that company, it might also be because they are tired working on the same job for years together and most importantly, they would have left the job with some sought of misunderstanding with the colleagues or the boss. So, as these factors matters the most for the potential employer, they would ask this question for their possible employee [candidate].