3 Essential Office Etiquette Tips

Bangalore: Have you wondered what works at office? Do manners really matter there? There are many things which are unwritten codes but you should follow. You are expected to be polite and confident at work. It is quite difficult for a fresher to know what should follow and what should not. The life and style you followed on academic career was very much different from that of a working environment. In order to be successful in your career, you must follow some important office etiquettes. Undoubtedly, these etiquettes are to make social interactions run more smoothly. According to Amanda Haddaway of Careerealism.com, among all the office etiquettes, three are must learned and practiced by every professional.

Listed here are the three necessary office manners you should know.

1. Office Attire

As of today, wearing ‘non-traditional attire’ will make a strong impact in the office. Most of the companies follow business casuals as their dress code. But before you join, understand the dress code what your organization follows and know what is not appropriate. Where some companies allow casual dresses, casual pants, khakis and polo shirts etc, some excluded jeans or open-toed shoes from their business casual policy. Also there are some unwritten policies like the dress code you can wear at office but the dress code you must follow when you meet a client.  Dress code in client meetings are said to be dressed like the client or one step above. The very important thing in office attire is that you dress appropriately for the job you want.

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