2015 Sees New Trends In Recruitment

# Contract Positions Are Increasing

Uber, Taskrabbit and Washio are only the firsts in a shift that is taking place in the U.S. economy: the move towards freelance, contract and outsourced employment.

AICPA and CIMA conducted a survey that revealed that 33 percent of respondents expect at least half of their organization’s workforce over the next five years to be some form of outsource provider.  Augment your skills with some freelance work to stand out to employers.

# Companies Of Different Sizes Source Talent Differently

In this age of data, there’s more information out there than ever about different companies and their hiring practices. Research by LinkedIn shows those small organizations source candidates very differently from big companies.

Large organizations prioritize diversity, while small companies focus on passive recruiting. Take these factors into consideration when making your decisions.

Read More: Luscious Opportunities To Bridge Your Career In India