20 Worst Cities to Work Around the World

17. Bangalore, India:

Bangalore, the garden city and IT capital of India has its own fare share of concerns.  Pollution, risk of disease, poor sanitation, power outages and inadequate infrastructure are some of the prevalent concerns. Traffic congestion is a growing menace that is affecting millions of people in the Silicon Valley of India.

18. Cairo, Egypt:

Cairo, the capital of Egypt and the largest city in the Arab world pose its own set of hardships. Pollution, poor sanitary condition and terrorist attacks are the biggest challenges for outsiders living in Cairo. Other concerns include political violence, inadequate infrastructure, poor medical facilities and risk of disease.

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19. Kiev, Ukraine:    

Kiev is the capital of Ukraine and is a major industrial, educational, scientific and cultural center of Eastern Europe. This is only European city on this list and the major concerns include racial attacks, high crime rate, pollution, communicational barriers, inadequate medical facilities, and poor sanitation.

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20. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic:

Santo Domingo is the largest city and capital of Dominican Republic. The major apprehensions of working in this region are poor roads, hurricanes, frequent power outages, high crime rate, inadequate infrastructure and threat of disease.