15 Best Companies To Work Around The World

W.L. Gore & Associates:

Each and every employee at W.L. Gore & Associates has a sponsor who mentors and coaches an individual and is responsible for helping that employee to succeed in the company. The company knows how to keep their employees happy and they are given numerous opportunities to excel in life. Gore has created an ideal work culture that supports employees in their effort to establish a well balanced relationship between personal life and the commitments of work environment.

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FedEx Express:

FedEx is a delivery service provider known for its global reach, relationship with various humanitarian agencies and culture of volunteerism. It has an online recruitment tool called the Career Hub, which allows the employees to track new employment opportunities within the organization and plan their future career. 

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Marriott hotel is known for its core values, professional service and pleasant work environment. In an effort to create ideal work culture, hotel managers often hold small group sessions with their subordinates to discuss issues such as workplace pressure, concerns, and other hindering factors.