12 Creative Resumes You Have Never Seen Before

Bangalore: Sluggish job market and no positive responses from employers have frustrated job seekers and have pushed them to come up with innovative ideas that stand out from the rest.

From designing personal Amazon page complete with reviews to making candy bar wrappers, job hunters have come up with cool and unusual resumes that that showcase their unique job.

As a tribute to these master pieces we have put together a list of some of the most creative resumes that we've ever seen, as reported by Melissa Stanger and Vivian Giang of Business Insider.

Resume that folds into a box

Abudho is a digital art director and photographer from Kenya. He is famously known for his bold and beautiful pictures of Africa and its people, which is also available on his portfolios but has also picked up quite a bit of attention for his master piece ‘box design.

Omondi  Abudho  was inspired one day when he was making a routine purchase. "Believe it or not, I got the idea while buying a pack of coffee," he says. However keeping this idea in mind Abudho went on to design a resume wherein potential employers could cut out and fold into a box, which is complete with creative "nutrition" facts. The result was immediate. And due to this Abudho got three great job offers from top agencies in Kenya. He’s currently a creative partner at Scanad in Nairobi.
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