11 Countries with the Most Pessimistic Job Seekers

The United States:

With nearly one out of four workers in the country saying that it is a good time to find a quality job and the recent improvements in broader economic confidence, the economy of this super-power is slowly making a progress and seems to be emerging from the slumber of the economic crisis. 

26 percent of the population in the country is optimistic about the job market, while nearly 72 percent have little confidence over the prevalent job conditions.

South Africa:

South Africa is a nation in transition. Though the external factors such as global financial crises have bought an obvious decline in the job market, the economy seems to have been making progress and recovery is becoming more imminent. In addition, there are visibly more opportunities for career seekers emerging presently than over the last decade, which are great signs.

Thought 67 percent of the workforce in the country is cynical about the job market, a healthy 32 percent are optimistic about the employment opportunities in the rainbow nation.