10 Trickiest Job Interview Questions You Can Answer

Bangalore:  The present recruiters have become very careful while hiring the candidates, especially when interviewing smart candidates. Asking tricky questions is a form of saving time is also a method to find out what kind of candidate they are actually interviewing, says Joyce Lain Kennedy, a career columnist and author of the book “Job interviews for Dummies”. Most of the time, the questions asked by the recruiters will be misleading just to figure out how smart is the candidate to answer the questions. Here is the list of tricky questions which can be asked by the hiring managers to the candidates as listed out by Joyce Lain Kennedy. You can also get to know the real meaning behind each question and the candidates can get to know how well they can answer it, as reported on Forbes website. You can learn how to answer the question in a much effective way.    

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1. Suppose you are hired here, how will you manage your time for other interviews?

Real meaning: To figure out, do you have any plans for changing your profession in a short time

Answer you can give: “I will be dedicated to the company and my position and I won’t be having any other career changing plans for the near future”.