10 Things You Should Never Do While Applying for a Job

Bangalore: In this tough job market there are few things which is better to avoid while searching for a job because, many recruiters have become very much tougher during the hiring process. Most of the time, the hiring managers will be searching for reasons to rule out most of the applicants. So, you need to get cautious while applying for a job. Here are the top 10 things you need to avoid while applying for a job to avoid giving a chance for the recruiters to reject your application. These tips were compiled by Vivian Giang of Business Insider which was taken from the popular book of Peter S. Herzog’s "How To Prolong Your Job Search: A Humorous Guide to the Pitfalls of Resume Writing,"

1. Introductory Paragraph should not be more than three paragraphs:

While giving your introduction on your CV, you just need you include why are you sending that CV, how did you get to know about the job opening and also include about something specific like what kind of job you are looking for right now. 

Don’t discuss about the pay package you are expecting on the CV, as that could be discussed after or during the interview process.

More: Top Executives who Faked on Their resumes