10 Smart Thinkers Everyone Should Follow On Twitter

Tina Roth Eisenberg, Design Blogger
Twitter Handle: @swissmiss

Tina Roth Eisenberg, who’s often referred to as swissmiss, takes the sometimes stuffy world of design and makes it delightfully accessible on her twitter handle, which many of us are missing out by not following.
Besides running swissmiss, she also organizes a monthly lecture/breakfast series called CreativeMornings, manages the collaborative workspace, Studiomates and also the co-force behind the browser-based to-do app called TeuxDeux. In addition, she has recently launched Tattly, a designee temporary tattoo shop too.
Jad Abumrad, Host And Creator, Radiolab
Twitter Handle: @Jadabumrad

The son of a scientist and a doctor, Jad Abumrad is the host and creator of Radiolab, which is a public radio program broadcast that runs on 437 stations across the nation and downloaded more than 4 million times a month as a podcast.
Abumrad who has 2 million follows on air and 200,000 on Twitter, stands at the intersection of curiosity, science communication, and public radio and he’s worth listening too. In addition, he also entertains his followers with quirky musings on science, technology, and the world around us.
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