10 Secrets You Must Know About Job Interview

4. Get to know the messages your hands say:

Whenever we start a conversation with others we won’t just talk without any hand action. So, in the same way we can’t talk during the interview. So, here are few things you need to learn what your hands are saying. Firstly, showing your palm while talking signifies that you are honest in what you are talking, holding your palms down while talking, states that you are dominating kind of a person; pressing your fingertips of your hands together again and again symbolizes that you are confident; folding your arms across your chest shows are very much self-protective and last but not the least putting your hands inside your pocket while talking signifies that you are hiding something. So, take a thorough note of all these things before attending the interview.

3. Figure out the recruiter is an introvert or an extrovert:

Figure out your recruiter’s behavior, whether they are extravert or an introvert and later decide upon your body language in front of them. For example, if your recruiter is an extrovert and like the people who are bold and talkative, then you need to be talkative and boldly answer all the questions. You need to be interactive whenever needed. This doesn’t mean even your insensible talk can fetch you a job; you need to be sensible on what you talk too.

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