10 Questions you'd Better Ask Your Boss to Find Success at Work

Bangalore: It is a well known fact that bosses can make or break the career of a budding professional. Bosses generally have a strong sense of ownership over the work his / her staffs perform and also have an authority on power and politics within an organization.

One thing that individuals with highly successful careers often have in common is a good boss, or a series of good bosses. A good boss will recognize employee’s inherent strengths, and help them grow and reach greater heights. This is especially important early in a budding career, where some quick runs on the board can land them in the limelight and be considered for other opportunities.

Hence in order to be successful at work, it is worthwhile for budding professionals to get curious about their boss’ values, goals, background, and management styles. Here is a list of 10 questions that Professor Joe Maggie of New York University’s Stern School of Business insists all employees should ask their bosses, as reported on the Forbes website.