10 Professions Where Employees Hate Their Bosses The Most

#5. Occupational Health & Safety Specialists and Technicians:

Workers engaged in this line of work are responsible for collecting data on safety and health conditions of the workplace, as well as carry out tests and measure hazards to help prevent harm to workers, property, environment and the general public.  

Surprisingly, 15.8 percent of the respondents working in this field say that they hate their boss. 66 percent of them assert that stress levels are intolerable and 7 percent claim to have been weighed down by relatively low degree of job satisfaction. 

#4. Food Service Managers:

With nearly 17 percent of the respondents engaged in this line of work claiming that they hate their boss, the split between the employer and the workforce is clearly visible. 

Also the high stress and low job satisfaction levels are not helping the cause. 76 percent of the respondents are having problems with elevated stress levels and 14 percent are unhappy with the stumpy job satisfaction levels.