10 Myths About Job Interview Debunked

Myth #3: It’s Polite to Accept an Interviewer’s Offer of Refreshment

None of the hiring managers or the recruiters want to waste the allotted interview time to rustle up a cup of coffee or tea. They offer you a drink to be courteous, but unless it is right there, politely decline. 

Myth #2: Interviewers Are Trained To Conduct Thorough Job Interviews

Generally human resource professionals get extensive training in various techniques of job screening and an average recruiter is more or less winging it. Hence if the interviewer asks hazy or irrelevant questions get into the specifics and be prepared with concrete illustrations that strengthen your candidature for the open position.  

Myth #1: Interviewer Is Prepared

Contrary to the popular perception, when a candidate sits down for a screening process, the hiring manager or the recruiter in all probability might not have had adequate time to do more than glance through the resume. Hence try to create a good first impression and use this opportunity to highlight your strengths and proficiencies that portray you as a good fit for the open position.  

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