10 Myths About Job Interview Debunked

Myth #9: Most Qualified Person Gets the Job

The job market has evolved drastically over the past few decades. Optimum qualification and good grades are no longer guaranteeing a job offer. The recruiters of today give more weightage to personality, attitude and aspiration over qualification and scores on paper.

Myth #8: You Should Have Tremendous Ambition

Though future aspirations are keenly weighed and thoroughly appreciated by hiring managers, it is not necessary that every job aspirant should be a go-getter and have huge plans or ambitions for growth.

Myth #7: If You Don’t Hear Straight Away, You Haven’t Got the Job

Some hiring managers like to take their own time to get back to you depending on the number of job applicants and the urgency of the role. Hence be patient and never despair when you don’t get an immediate response from the employer. 

Read More: 5 Things You Must Say To Land a Job