10 Most Dangerous Workplaces In The World
#6 Somalia: Until recently, the country never had a stable government to look after the helm of affairs. And going by this you can clearly say how tough it can get for individuals who are opting to work here. In Somalia, as the security situation continues to deteriorate, many organizations are finding it increasingly difficult to accomplish the desired results. The humanitarian context is one of the worst in the world. Many workers have encountered risks in terms of financial resources, the possibility of corruption, security concerns, and the threats to humanitarian principles. On top of this, the country has long been defined by terrorism, famine, and piracy.
#5 Bangladesh: Bangladesh, a parliamentary republic, is the world's eighth most populous country as well as one of the world's most densely populated countries. In terms of worker’s safety, this country possesses highest risk to workers among low cost manufacturing countries. The occupational fatalities and excessive working hours in this country shows a major lack of capacity and also the political unwillingness to enforce labour laws by its government. According to Maplecroft, the country poses highest risk to workers among low cost manufacturing sectors. "Industrial accidents and factory fires are commonplace in Bangladesh," stated the consultancy's press release.
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