10 Degrees Worldwide Recruiters Don't Want to See

Bangalore: Some majors are reported as practically worthless to fetch a job for you. If you have thought of getting a job with any of these majors, one of the recent studies by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics mentioned few majors which are stuck in the unemployment line. Though, unemployment is visible in every degrees, these are really worst in the list.

Even, these majors will not pay you well, once you employed as a fresher.

Especially, if your wish list includes a high paying corporate position, better to opt for other majors in engineering, sciences, computers and IT, business, psychology, social work and media and communications which are relatively safe majors you can pursue.

Check out the 10 Majors which will not fetch you a good job here:

10. Architecture: 

According to the report, the most surprising unemployment rate is noted among recent architecture graduates, 13.9 percent. It denotes a massive slow down happened in construction industry. Employment of architects was predicted to grow faster than any other graduates. Architectural, engineering, and related services industry are the main sectors which accommodate architecture graduates.

Read More: 10 Degrees Worldwide Recruiters Don’t Want to See