10 Deadly Career Changing Mistakes You Must Avoid

Bangalore: Mistakes are often interlinked with our decisions, but if it happens when you consider a career change, it can be very depressing. Many reasons you may find to quit the current job... either you might be fed up, unhappy, misplaced, or depressed. If you are facing a defining point where you want to decide on your career change, you should consider avoiding few mistakes, which can happen to you while you have an extreme hatred to your current job.

‘10 Career Change Mistakes to avoid’ by the ‘Space7.in’ mention the common mistakes while switching on to another career. Here are they...

10. Without updating skills/techniques on job search:

While you were stuck on the job market, you might forget to update a new CV with your new skills. Now, before quitting the job, you need to update yourself with new job search tools, techniques and skills. Checking your old resume will make you realize it is outdated. Also searching your professional networks will help you understand whether your friends are able to help you getting your new job. All you need to do is polish your job search skills without fail, so that you can be updated with the new opportunities coming up in job market.

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