10 Companies with Best Growth Prospects

6. McKinsey & Company

Established in 1926, McKinsey & Company, a management consulting conglomerate that focuses on solving issues related to senior management has made it to the list of companies with the best career opportunities with an impressive company rating of 4.3 out of 5.

As per the respondents, friendly senior management, opportunities to have a real impact, highly proficient and inspiring workforce, mentorship culture, growth prospects and company values are some of the advantages of working at this firm. While meager work-life balance, constant pressure and long working hours are some of the downsides of being associated with this firm.      

7. Edelman

Edelman, the world’s largest independently owned public relations firm which was established by Daniel Edelman in 1952, is not far behind in terms of career opportunities for its employees. With a more than healthy company rating of 4.2, this public relations giant occupies the seventh position on the list of firms with the best growth prospects for its employees. 

According to the respondents, the plethora of career opportunities, good company culture and exposure are some of the perks of being associated with the firm, while the hierarchical approval processes, and the time to navigate and understand are some of the cons.