10 Companies That Will Never Bore You

Voxy: Voxy is the largest cloud based language learning platform. The employees believe in more and more learning. They always practice what they preach. Everyone in the office is interested in learning new languages. They even go for language lunches where they can test their learning judged by their colleagues.
Few more things that can advocate in favor of Voxy’s interesting atmosphere are the all expenses paid immersion trips, sailboat rides around Manhattan and team bonding during Monday Mandarin Nights or Spanish Cuisines.
Method: Method creates brand experiences across many mediums to help businesses harness the competitive advantage of design. This San Francisco based company is renowned for its unique activities.
The employees in this company play ping-pong in giant banana suits. There is a creative atmosphere all around without scope for monotony or losing motivation. The prom held by the company is a real attraction.
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